Coastal Rehab Helps You Achieve And Maintain Driving Independence After Illness Or Injury
Return to driving after injury or illness invokes mixed feelings, including anxiety and fear of failure. Living a full and engaged life seems impossible without the independence of being able to drive. Whether it is learning to ride a bike, drive a motorbike, car or truck, our service will customise the assessment and driver rehabilitation program required to support your independence.Your Doctor may have concerns about your medical condition and requires an expert opinion. Driving assessments determine if a medical condition or disability impacts on your fitness to drive. At Coastal Rehab, a supportive approach is used to assist the client and their support person to understand the legal requirements, and to customise a learning plan to support the driving goal. The assessments are holistic, take into account driving history, off and on-road performance, and how best to modify the vehicle or driving routes to optimise independence. The driving assessment process takes approximately 2 to 2.5 hours and is usually conducted out of our office in Buddina, with home visits by arrangement.

The Driving Assessment comprises of 3 parts:
Off-Road Assessment
The ‘Off-road assessment’ is completed first, in the office where:
Your driving history, physical and cognitive skills are identified. Your needs and barriers to resumption of driving are reviewed. Road rule knowledge is assessed.
Your driving history, physical and cognitive skills are identified. Your needs and barriers to resumption of driving are reviewed. Road rule knowledge is assessed.
On-Road Assessment
The second ‘On-road assessment’ is conducted in the driving instructor’s dual controlled car (either automatic or manual).
You are encouraged to “relax” and assume your normal rhythm and driving habits and skills. The purpose of the on-road is to determination your current capacities.
You are encouraged to “relax” and assume your normal rhythm and driving habits and skills. The purpose of the on-road is to determination your current capacities.
Driving Assessment Report | Development of a Driver Rehabilitation Plan
Following your assessment, a comprehensive clinical report is submitted to your referring doctor who will make the final decision regarding your medical fitness to drive. If your assessment is satisfactory the Occupational Therapist may recommend that:
You resume driving unconditionally, or
With modifications to your car, and/or
Restrictions to your driving.
Coastal Rehab will identify specialised interventions to support a client’s driving independence or driver rehabilitation program if required. As part of the driving assessment, Coastal Rehab may also counsel clients on retirement from driving and community transport options.
Coastal Rehab will identify specialised interventions to support a client’s driving independence or driver rehabilitation program if required. As part of the driving assessment, Coastal Rehab may also counsel clients on retirement from driving and community transport options.
Service Cost
Fees for an OT driving assessment can vary. Please call on 07 5478 3719 to find out the cost applicable to your assessment.*OT driving assessment is not covered by Medicare. Private health insurance rebates may be available in some situations.